Dr. William E. Moore

Why is the College of Veterinary Medicine located on a street named William Moore Drive? Who is William Moore?

Dr. William Moore took office as the sixth State Veterinarian of North Carolina in 1918. He served for 29 years and his office worked on tick eradication, tuberculosis eradication, control of Bang's disease (Brucellosis), testing poultry for pullorum disease (caused by a type of Salmonella bacteria), and investigating Johne's disease.

photo of William E. Moore
Photo of William E. Moore from Report of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture for the Biennium 1942-1944.

Dr. Moore was born October 22, 1884 in Sandy Springs, MD and graduated from the United States College of Veterinary Surgeons in 1911. He served as Assistant State Veterinarian from 1917-8 before becoming State Veterinarian. In 1922, he passed the State bar examination and was granted a law license. Dr. Moore served as the Secretary-Treasurer of the North Carolina Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners from 1921-31. He was a former president of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association and a co-author of the book A Veterinary History of North Carolina.

He served the American Veterinary Medical Association in several roles: Alternate to the House of Representatives for 1935 and 1936; Special Committee of the AVMA on Agricultural Extension Service; Special Committee on Affiliation of State and Provincial Associations with AVMA; chaired in 1931-2 the AVMA Committee on Resolutions; represented the fourth district on the Executive Board from 1935-40. In December 1945, he was elected President of the United States Livestock Sanitary Association. He also served as president of the Guernsey Breeders Association. Dr. Moore retired from the State on September 1, 1947 and ran a private practice until 1953. Dr. Moore passed away July 12, 1954.

Leadership of the College of Veterinary Medicine requested to name the road leading to the newly built college in honor of Dr. Moore's efforts in veterinary medicine and promoting a healthy North Carolina.
