
About the OPEN Incubator

The OPEN (Open Project Engagement Network) Incubator is a research development program designed to advance a project from idea to proof-of-concept. Facilitators from the Open Knowledge Center and NC State University Libraries guide participants through a cohort-based collaborative experience that introduces open research principles and offers strategies for applying those principles to produce research outputs that are FAIR—Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

Program members will gain knowledge, skills, and guidance in three main areas:

  1. Effective project development

  2. Communicating research and scholarship

  3. Preparation for evaluation

The OPEN Incubator connects researchers and scholars from various backgrounds to each other in an omnidisciplinary space, facilitating the sharing of ideas, resources, methods, and techniques.

NC State University Libraries is pleased to invest in a more open research culture by providing some ongoing support for projects following the completion of the program.

Learn more about Open Research at NC State University Libraries


Testimonials from incubator alumni

Dr. Carlos Goller, Assistant Teaching Professor, NC State Biotechnology Program

Project: Delftia

"The OPEN Incubator was a fantastic program that made me reconsider the value of assignments that only I see. The OPEN incubator helped me rethink my course assignments to include tools that would promote collaborative work and sharing. Now students are able to share resources beyond the class. My course's redeveloped assignment felt like a project that would benefit the group and not just an assignment for a grade."

Dr. Xiaolin Duan, Assistant Professor of Chinese history, Department of History

Project: Ten Views of West Lake

The OPEN Incubator has been an eye-opener experience: I got to know a handful of cutting edge technologies and concepts that help consolidate my vision of digital humanities. The team was super helpful and knowledgable in advancing my very rough idea to a prototype that is more concrete and doable. 

Umesh Gupta, Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

Project: Open SKAI

"Everyone has different approaches to how they pursue their research ideas. The OPEN Incubator program is an opportunity to start approaching a larger community to collaborate with where you learn, share, discuss, and implement."

Inspiration for the OPEN Incubator