Fine Structure and Grace Periods

Item/Fine Type Daily/Hourly Fine Daily/Hourly Fine Maximum Grace Period
Non-Reserve Books, or Media None* N/A 60 Days
Video Games - 4hr $1 per hour $10 1 hour
Video Games - 1 Week None* N/A 7 days
Reserve Material - 2 Hour $1 per hour $20 1 hour
Reserve Material - 1 Day and 3 Day $1 per day $25 1 day
Bound Journals $1 per day $25 1 day
Recalled Reserve Material $3 per day $30 None
Tech Item - 8 Hour High
- Laptops, iPads, etc.
$1 per hour $10 1 hour
Tech Item - 8 Hour Low
- Laptop chargers, calculators, various peripherals, etc.
None** N/A N/A
Tech Item - 3 Day High
- Projectors, Kindle fires, etc.
$3 per day $15 1 day
Tech Item - 3 Day Low
- Various peripherals
None** N/A N/A
Tech Item - 1 Week
- Point & shoot cameras, video cameras, etc.
$3 per day $15 1 day
Tech Item - 1 Week Low
- USB Drives, Various peripherals
None** N/A N/A
Tech Item - 1 Week High Demand
- DSLR cameras, Ronin-M, etc.
$10 per day $40 1 day
Tech Item - 2 Week
- Handheld GPS, Kindles, etc.
$1 per day $5 1 day

The High/Low item type is determined by the calculated replacement cost of the item. More details about replacement costs. The High Demand item type is determined by the Libraries’ available supply of an item compared to the typical demand for that item.

The period of time before an item is classified as "lost" and billed to the account is measured in calendar days.

*No daily fines are administered for non-reserve books; when a book has been overdue for 60 days, the book is automatically marked "Lost" and an automated bill in the amount of $125 is generated. The bill reflects a $100 replacement cost as well as a $25 processing fee. More information on “Lost” items.

**No daily fines are administered for Low type tech lending items; when items have been overdue for 2 days (for 8 hour lending items), 3 days (3 day lending items), or 8 days (1 week lending items), the item is automatically marked “Lost” and an automated bill for the value of the item and associated processing fees are generated.

If the lost item is returned, the bill is reduced to the processing fee and maximum applicable late fee. More information on “Lost” items.

Request a review of library fines

If you believe you have been fined in error, you may request a review of library fines (also known as the petition/appeal process).

Refund Policy

The Libraries allows refunds up to 90 days after payment of a fine.

Account Suspensions

NC State University Patrons

When the total fine amount associated with a NC State University patron account reaches $125, the patron’s account will be blocked from checking out materials until the fine(s) have been paid down.

Non-NC State Patrons

When any fine amount is administered to a non-NC State University patron account, the patron’s account will be blocked from checking out materials until the fine(s) have been paid.