QR Codes in Public Spaces

The QR Codes in Public Spaces project is an effort to improve local awareness of library services and resources.


A QR Code is a type of barcode that can be scanned using a camera on a mobile device that is equipped with QR scanning software. The pilot project involved the selection and QR Code labeling of physical locations within the libraries for which a user's experience could be significantly enhanced by a convenient portal to related services and resources. We initially focused on study rooms and high-use equipment such as printers and book scanners. A mobile web-based aggregation of services and resources that are specifically relevant to each labeled location was developed, in order to support QR code-based service browsing. These services included FAQs, product manuals, a chat reference interface, and a room availability display. 

This project was part of a wider intiative, involving projects such as GroupFinder and Study Room Availability, to experiment with QR Codes as a tool to better connect our physical and online services for users of the libraries. We are not currently using QR codes in our public spaces.

