Extension Services

Extension agents or specialists with an NC State email address are considered current staff at NC State. You have the same borrowing privileges and access to resources as any other staff at the University. NC State University Libraries is here to help you. 

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What can I do through the Libraries?

  • Check out books, have books shipped to your site (with a return shipping label included), read articles online, request articles we don’t have, and more. Read more about Borrowing Privileges.
  • Come visit us in person to checkout technology like laptops and Go Pros. Bring your Wolfpack One Card!
  • Search and read articles online
  • Have your Data Management Plans reviewed
  • Get online support for all your library needs through Ask Us. Text, chat, email, or set up a meeting with us
  • Ask your librarians for help finding information, documents, data, and/or request workshops and training

Other Online Resources

  • Get help with your data: finding data, visualizing data, analyzing data, and building data management plans
  • Special Collections Research Center (SCRC): Excellent for finding Extension publications, historical documents related to NC State, and photographs. Contact the SCRC or Todd Kosmerick for assistance.
  • NCLive: Log in with your NC State account to get access to articles, test prep resources, career development resources, and more
  • Want a virtual or in person workshop on finding information, how to use the library, or something else? Contact your librarians and we’ll make it work!
  • Is there a resource (book, ebook,  journal, database, etc) missing that you think we should have? Email us and let us know.


What can I get to with an NC State login?

Covers the world's agricultural literature, including plant and animal sciences, forestry, soil and water resources, and earth and environmental sciences.

CAB Abstracts
Covers the significant research and development literature in the applied life sciences, including agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, veterinary medicine and the environment. 

View all databases

How do I log into these databases off campus?

When you select some library links, such as Agricola, you’ll be asked to log in using your Unity ID and password. This is the same login you use for your NC State email. 

Even if you’re using the NC State VPN, you’ll still be asked to log in to these resources using your Unity ID. But once you log into one resource, you won’t have to enter your login information for other library resources for the rest of your browser session.

What can I get to without logging in?

These resources are freely available to the public.

NC State Extension Publications
Numbered publications, factsheets, hard copy documents, authoritative sources & more

NC State Special Collections Resource Center (SCRC)
Publications, images, historical documents, and more relating to the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Extension, and 4-H. Contact the SCRC or Todd Kosmerick for assistance

Search Extension Cooperative across the US
Easy search access to resources provided by your Land-Grant institutions.This service allows you to search the resources provided by your Cooperative Extension Service

Online Historical Agriculture Resources
Courtesy of the Libraries' Special Collections Resource Center

Online Historical Cooperative Extension Resources
Courtesy of the Libraries' Special Collections Resource Center

National Agriculture Library 
The library for the USDA. Search collections and articles on nutrition, water quality, animal welfare, food safety, and more. 

AgData Commons
A public, government, scientific research data catalog and repository available to help the agricultural research community share and discover research data funded by the USDA.