Historical Statistics

Colonial America to 1763
E188 .P86 1999 (D. H. Hill Jr., Learning Commons) or Online

This book has pulled together statistical information pertaining to early America, gleaned from a wide and range articles, dissertations, and books.  Note that further information can be found in the Bibliography, starting on page 33.

Historical Statistics of the United States: Earliest Times to the Present
HA202 .H57 2006 (D. H. Hill Jr., Learning Commons)

Datapedia of the United States, 1790-2005: America Year by Year
HA202 .K87 2001 (Learning Commons)

British Historical Statistics
HA1134 .M58 2011 (D. H. Hill Jr., 4th floor bookstacks)

International Historical Statistics: The Americas, 1750-2000
HA175 .M55 1998 (D. H. Hill Jr. Learning Commons)

International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia & Oceania, 1750-2000
HA4675 .M55 1998 (D. H. Hill Jr., Learning Commons)

International Historical Statistics: The Europe, 1750-2000
HA1107 .M5 1998 (D. H. Hill Jr., Learning Commons)