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The Pulitzer Prize Photographs @ NCSU Libraries, 2003

About the Exhibit

The North Carolina State University Libraries presents The Pulitzer Prize Photographs: Capture the Moment, a stunning traveling exhibition featuring 125 prize-winning images dating from 1942 through 2003. The exhibit opens in the D. H. Hill Library on the NC State campus on September 19 and runs through December 14, 2003.


The exhibit includes many photos from historic moments that are instantly recognizable, especially war-related photos from around the world. The photos include Joe Rosenthal's World War II photograph of the raising of the flag over Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima in 1945 and many haunting images from the Vietnam War.


The exhibit also includes photographs of Olympic events and moments of joy, youth, and inhuman world conditions. Robert H. Jackson's 1964 photo of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald is one indelible image from the exhibit. A family's joy in greeting a father returning from a prisoner of war camp in 1974 is visceral.

Cyma Rubin of Business of Entertainment, Inc., curator of the exhibit, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Library at NC State. She is also an alumna of NC State with a degree in textile management. She received an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from NC State in 2003.

Rubin wrote and co-edited the exhibit catalog, which will be available for sale at the library. It features 132 photographs accompanied by the photographer's story behind the taking of the photograph and biographies of the prize-winning photographers.

Rubin, a Broadway producer, produced and directed "Moment of Impact: Stories of the Pulitzer Prize Photographs", a TV documentary examining six Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs that won the 1999 Emmy award for best documentary.

The Pulitzer Prize Photographs: Capture the Moment was developed by the Newseum, the interactive museum of news, in association with Business of Entertainment, Inc., of NYC. The Newseum, which is moving to Washington, D.C., is funded by the Freedom Forum--a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech, and free spirit for all people. For more information about the Newseum, visit


Joseph Pulitzer, a nineteenth-century publisher, left a bequest in his will to the Columbia School of Journalism, where the Pulitzer Prizes were established in 1911 in the fields of journalism, literature, music, and drama. The first prizes were bestowed in 1917. Over the years, the specific award categories were modified by the Pulitzer Board, which added a prize for photography in 1939. The first prize was awarded in 1942. For a photograph to be nominated for a Pulitzer, it must have appeared in an American daily or weekly newspaper.

The D. H. Hill Library is located at 2205 Hillsborough Street, across from the Wachovia Bank Building, in Raleigh, N.C. Admission to the exhibit is free.

Regular hours for the general public are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Building access after 10:00 p.m. is restricted to NC State students, faculty, staff,and other eligible library borrowers. A current picture ID is required for entrance after 10:00 p.m. The D. H. Hill Library will be closed on November 27 for the Thanksgiving holiday.

For more information, see Visiting the Exhibit. We have also arranged special events in conjunction with the exhibit - please check the Calendar of Events. If you require further information please contact Jan Kemp, (919)515-7188.