Library Article Linker

What is this?

Use the Library Article Linker to connect to thousands of licensed full text journals and magazines.

  • Create stable links to articles
  • Links will work on and off campus
  • Use the links in your online syllabi and reading lists

Enter a URL for a subscription resource or a DOI for an article in the text box below, then hit "submit" to generate a link that will work from on- or off-campus.



One-Click Library Linker Tool

The link below is a "bookmarklet" that will quickly and easily allow you to add the NC State University Libraries proxy prefix to any URL:

Add NC State University Libraries Proxy Prefix

To use this bookmarklet, first, drag the link above to the bookmarks bar of your browser. Then, whenever you find yourself at a page where the Libraries might offer a subscription to the content, click on the bookmarklet to reload the page through the Libraries' proxy. If we have a subscription to the resource, you should then be able to access it.

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